Policy on Student Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations

I. 政策概要

杰克逊维尔大学致力于创建和维护一个社区 所有个人都享有不受歧视的自由,包括对人的歧视 basis of sex, as mandated by 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972. 怀孕了 students and student parents are protected by 第九条. 怀孕的学生 或经历与怀孕有关的疾病有权获得学术住宿, 并修改,哺乳休息的时间和空间,以及休假/请假的时候 necessary for pregnancy-related 条件. 杰克逊维尔大学 hereby establishes 确保保护和平等对待孕妇的政策和程序 persons, individuals with pregnancy-related 条件, and new parents.

II. 政策文本

1. 范围

这项政策适用于杰克逊维尔大学课程的各个方面,包括 招生,教育项目和活动,学生就业和休假政策.

2. 定义

  1. “医疗需要”是由学生的医疗保健提供者作出的决定 选择.
  2. “怀孕及与怀孕有关的情况”包括(但不限于)怀孕; 分娩,假怀孕,终止妊娠,与此相关的情况 怀孕期间,以及从这些情况中恢复,根据联邦 法律.
  3. “Pregnancy discrimination” includes treating a student affected by pregnancy or a 与妊娠相关的条件较不有利的人比相似的人不受影响 and includes a failure to provide legally mandated leave or accommodations.
  4. “怀孕了 student/Birthparent” refers to the student who is or was pregnant. 这 政策及其与怀孕有关的保护适用于所有怀孕的人,无论如何 性别认同或性别表达的.
  5. “父母”包括亲生父母、养父母、继父母、养父母、 法定监护人和扮演父母角色的人(代表“代替父母”).
  6. 本政策的“合理安排”是指学术上的变化 环境或典型的操作,使怀孕的学生或学生 与怀孕有关的情况下可继续求学并享受同等待遇 大学校长.

3. 受怀孕、分娩、 或相关条件包括

  1. 杰克逊维尔大学及其教职员工和其他雇员不得要求 a student to limit their studies due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related 条件.
  2. The benefits and services provided to the students affected by pregnancy shall be no less than those provided to students with temporary medical 条件.
  3. 与怀孕有关的残疾学生,和其他残疾学生一样, 有权获得合理的便利,使他们不会在工作中处于不利地位 学习或研究课程,并可向残疾支援服务寻求协助 办公室.
  4. Reasonable accommodations may include, 但不限于:
    • accommodations requested by the pregnant student to protect the health and safety of the student and the pregnancy (such as allowing the student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances)
    • modifications to the physical environment (such as accessible seating)
    • 流动性支持
    • lactation break time and a safe and clean lactation space
    • 延长截止日期和/或允许学生补交错过的考试或作业 因怀孕缺勤
    • excusing medically necessary absences
    • 准假
  5. 母乳喂养的学生必须有合理的时间和空间来吸母乳 in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible. 浴室隔间 不满足这个要求.

4. 学术休假

  1. 教师, staff, or other employees shall not require a student to take a leave of 因怀孕、分娩或相关原因缺课、退学或限制学业 条件. Pursuant to 第九条, 杰克逊维尔大学 shall treat pregnancy and related 条件 as a justification for a leave of absence for as long a period of time as is deemed medically necessary by a student’s health care provider.
  2. 申请学术休假的学生应遵循概述的流程 in 杰克逊维尔大学’s Leave of Absence policy.
  3. 休假归来后,学生将恢复原课程 状态为休假开始时的状态. Based on specific program requirements, the student may be moved to a different cohort to adjust for course-sequencing requirements.
  4. 助学金:学生奖学金、助学金或类似的大学资助的延续 休假期间的资金将取决于学生的注册状态和 the policies of the funding program regarding registration status. 学生不会 负面影响或丧失其未来获得奖学金,奖学金, or similar university-supported funding by taking leave under this policy.  

5. Student Employment Accommodations and Leave

  1. 杰克逊维尔大学提供家庭和医疗休假法案的保护 to eligible employees regardless of whether they are also a student, provided they 符合资格要求.
  2. 鼓励学生员工提出与怀孕和育儿有关的合理要求 尽可能提前与他们的主管沟通,包括, 但不限于:
    • 为保护学生的健康和安全和/或其怀孕而作出的改变(如 as allowing the person to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances)
    • Changes to the physical environment (such as accessible seating)
    • Allowing the person to eat or drink during University activities
    • Parking access and/or 流动性支持
    • 更大的制服
    • Extra breaks during work activities to use the restroom

6. 哺乳期访问

  1. Breastfeeding persons must be granted reasonable time and space to express breast milk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible. 浴室里 不满足这一要求,应找到合适的哺乳设施 在人的位置的合理距离内,并且可以使用长达一年 分娩后. Break time should be adjusted to account for the distance to 最近的哺乳空间 . The central campus lactation room is the Bloom Room COHS 130. Breastfeeding persons requesting a different location should contact the 第九条 Coordinator for support.

7. Parent-Friendly Assistance and Flexibility

  1. Students are encouraged to work in advance with their instructors and supervisors to request excused time off for routine infant and child health care matters. 如果学生 无法通过与导师的非正式讨论获得支持; 他们可以联系第九条办公室获取政策信息和可能的资源.
  2. 家长学生的儿童健康突发事件也应得到同等程度的原谅 作为学生突发健康事件,有机会补课和参加工作 适用的分数.

8. 报复和骚扰

  1. 杰克逊维尔大学任何成员基于性,性别,性别认同的骚扰, gender expression, pregnancy, or parental status is prohibited.
  2. 教职员工和其他杰克逊维尔大学员工禁止干涉 与学生请假,寻求合理的住宿,或以其他方式锻炼 他们在这项政策下的权利. 教师, staff, and other employees are prohibited 从对行使这项政策所规定的权利的学生进行报复, including imposing or threatening to impose negative educational outcomes because 学生申请休假或住宿,提出投诉或以其他方式练习 他们在这项政策下的权利.

9. Dissemination of the Policy and 培训

  1. 本政策的副本应在需要时提供给教职员工 Tile IX training and posted on 杰克逊维尔大学’s website. 第九条办公室 和/或人事办公室 & 文化 shall make 第九条 educational materials available 给杰克逊维尔大学社区的所有成员,以促进遵守 this policy and familiarity with its procedures.

10. 合规

  1. 报告杰克逊维尔大学社区的任何成员都可以举报违反这一规定的行为 policy to any supervisor, manager, or 第九条 办公室r. 主管和经理是 responsible for promptly forwarding such reports to the 第九条 Coordinator. 联系 information for the 第九条 Coordinator is available 在线.
  2. 申诉流程:本政策中的申诉程序旨在处理投诉人和被投诉人 公平. Complaints of pregnancy or pregnancy-related discrimination are rolled into 杰克逊维尔大学’s existing 第九条 grievance process. 这个过程包括 一个非正式的解决方案,独立的事实调查,一个独立和公平的 administration of discipline for offenders. For details regarding 杰克逊维尔大学’s grievance process under 第九条, please review Section 6 of the 第九条综合政策.

第九条 全面的政策 培训 Policy on Student Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations 预防和意识项目


  • 办公电话904-256-8080
  • 电子邮件: shc@kaiyanglighting.net
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
  • The 办公室 closes daily for lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm


  • 办公电话:904-722-3000
  • 24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 904-721-7273
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm







(904) 256-7067
